Discover the magic of Easter like never before

Step into the enchanting world of Rabbit’s Easter Surprise, a beautifully illustrated children’s book that reimagines the first Easter through the eyes of a small, curious rabbit.

About the Author

Angela was raised on a farm in northwest Kansas, and her Daddy provided many baby jackrabbits for her to raise when she was young. For their FFA projects, her children raised several varieties of tame rabbits, so she is very familiar with their habits and actions...

About the Book

Rabbit’s Easter Surprise blends faith and imagination in a touching tale that explains why Easter bunnies are white. Written in lyrical storytelling, this book is a timeless reminder of hope, love, and the miracle of Easter.

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Book Trailer

Discover the enchanting journey of Rabbit’s Easter Surprise through our exclusive book trailer.

What Readers Are Saying About
Rabbit’s Easter Surprise

"Absolutely enchanting! This book brings the magic of Easter to life with a heartwarming tale of faith, love, and transformation. My kids were captivated from start to finish!"

Phillip H.

This is a special story. Both the narration and illustrations are excellent. I would highly recommend this book for all children, and I think most adults will enjoy it too. Timely publication with Easter just around the corner.

Eric L

Rabbit’s Easter Surprise is a darling fiction book that tells the Easter story of Jesus’ resurrection from a rabbit’s point of view. With beautiful illustrations and a simple, yet powerful story, this engaging book is a joy to read for all ages. Our kids’ imaginations delight in the mystery of this magical tale resulting in lots of good conversations about faith. This would make a wonderful addition to Easter baskets and will help bridge the gap between what we as Christians focus on at Easter and the secular traditions of the world.

Marie Pearl

This book is wonderfully written and easily conveys the message of Easter to both young and old readers. The illustrations are truly beautiful and from the heart! We will enjoy this book for years to come.


This beautifully illustrated book is a wonderful option to gift a child at Easter. The little rabbit has a unique story to tell about the first Easter!

Mama D

This is a delightful Easter story with the most beautiful illustrations. Ideal gift for parents and grandparents for anytime of the year, but what a great Easter basket surprise. Tells the story of Easter from the eyes of the Easter Bunny. You will want it on your child’s/grandchild’s book shelf.

Marie Pearl

This book is wonderfully written and easily conveys the message of Easter to both young and old readers. The illustrations are truly beautiful and from the heart! We will enjoy this book for years to come.


The photos include snapshots of my mural work, our family’s children who were thrilled to receive the book, and glimpses of life on our farm.

Reflect & Discuss:
Questions for Children & Adults

We’ve put together a discussion guide to help children and adults explore the deeper meanings of Rabbit’s Easter Surprise. These questions encourage reflection on faith, resilience, and unexpected life changes. Below, we provide answers based on the book's events to help guide discussions.

1. How has something unexpected changed how you go about living your life?

(When the sky got dark and the earth shook.)

In the story, the rabbit was enjoying a peaceful day when the sky suddenly darkened, and the earth trembled. This unexpected event changed everything, forcing the rabbit to seek safety. Similarly, in life, unexpected changes—both big and small—can shift our perspective and push us in new directions.

(The rocks fell and the rabbit found a safe place to wait.)

 When the earth rumbled, the frightened rabbit instinctively ran for safety. It hid in a small space, waiting for the danger to pass. This shows how, in uncertain times, finding a quiet place to think and feel safe can be the best response before deciding what to do next.

(The rabbit was trapped when the stone closed the doorway.)

The rabbit hesitated too long before leaving the tomb, and when the stone was rolled shut, it became trapped. This moment teaches us that sometimes, delaying action can lead to missed opportunities or unintended consequences.

(The rabbit searched the tomb and fell asleep.)

The rabbit explored its surroundings, trying to understand where it was. When nothing changed, it eventually curled up and rested. This reflects how, in confusing situations, taking time to process and be patient can sometimes be the best approach.

 (Jesus spoke to the rabbit.)

The rabbit remained still in the tomb and eventually heard Jesus’ gentle voice. This highlights how quiet reflection can help us recognize God’s guidance in our lives.

(The stone rolled away and the rabbit was free.)

The rabbit was trapped and had no way out, but then, something miraculous happened—the stone was rolled away, and it was set free. This moment symbolizes how, even when we feel stuck, things can change in ways we never expected.

Encourage Reflection & Conversation

These questions offer a meaningful way to discuss the book’s themes with children, families, or study groups. They can be paraphrased for different age groups to ensure deeper engagement.

Would you like a version specifically for adult discussions? Let us know!


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